Friday, November 16, 2012

And away we go........!

Hi Everyone!
Yesterday was our first reading day for Houston Real Men Read. I hope all of you had a great time reading wtih our students. Please share your thoughts and experiences with us through comments. Here is a picture of the students at Lantrip Ele. reading and enjoying the experience with their MENtor.
Happy Reading!

Friday, November 9, 2012

The Books are HERE!!!

Hi Everyone,

We are in the second week of our blog and I hope as our MENtors will begin using our new blog. Most of the campuses have reported that the books have arrived on the campuses so it looks like we get to start reading next week. I hope eveyone is as excited as I am!?! We will chat again next week as our first reading gets underway. The second grade book for Novemeber is Scholastic True or False: Reptiles while fifth grade gets to read Spiders by Nic Bishop and finally seventh grade gets to delve into Face to Face with Sharks by David Doubilet and Jennifer Hayes.
All of these non-fiction books sound exciting and maybe a little least for us girls! Let us all know what you think of the books and if you are Ready to Read!

Liz Philippi